3 Important Decisions Homeowners Make Before A Roofing Installation
The roof is an essential part of any building. Your roof protects your home against the elements and helps to maintain a comfortable indoor climate. Although modern roofing materials are designed with durability in mind, no roof can last forever.
Investing in the installation of a new roof is a costly undertaking. Here are three important decisions that you must make prior to installation if you want to protect your investment and ensure that your new roof is able to provide the protection your home needs well into the future.
1. Select Your Materials
Today's homeowners have more options than ever before when it comes to the materials that can be used to create a roof.
Roofing contractors work with a wide range of materials that include metal, slate, asphalt shingles, tile, and even wood shakes. Each of these materials has benefits and drawbacks that must be taken into consideration before selecting the one that will best meet the roofing needs of your home. You will want to think about the appearance, cost, and lifespan of each available roofing material. You should also take into consideration the climate in which you live before you finalize your roofing material selection.
Taking each of these factors into consideration will help you identify the roofing material that strikes the right balance between affordability, performance, and curb appeal.
2. Determine If You Will Layer
Homeowners have a couple of options when it comes to the way new roofing materials are installed. You can choose to have the new materials installed directly on top of your existing roofing materials, or you can have the old roofing materials removed before the new materials are installed.
Going with a roofing overlay allows you to reduce your installation costs, but it can create a problem if your current roofing materials are hiding structural issues or damage.
Removing all of the existing materials from your roof gives your roofing contractor the ability to thoroughly examine the decking, frame, and membrane supporting your roof. Any damage to these elements can be repaired prior to the installation of new roofing materials. By repairing damage before your new roof is installed, you can extend the life of the new roof and avoid any leaks in the near future.
3. Choose the Right Contractor
The roofing contractor that you partner with to install your new roof will have a direct impact on the quality and affordability of the project.
A residential roof is typically only replaced once every couple of decades. This means that most roofing contractors do not rely on repeat business to make a living. As a result, customer service and satisfaction may not be a priority for all contractors.
Instead of opting to work with a contractor that provides the lowest bid, do some research to make sure the contractor you select is a good one. Ask to speak with past customers to see if they are satisfied with a contractor's work. Verify that the contractor has experience installing the type of roofing system you have chosen for your home. Check to see if the contractor offers a warranty for the labor performed during installation.
By taking a little bit of time to research your options thoroughly, you will be able to partner with a skilled and reliable contractor for your roof replacement.
There are many important decisions every homeowner must make prior to the installation of a new roof that will impact the roof's overall performance and appearance. Take the time to research your options when it comes to materials, installation methods, and contractors so you can protect your future investment. Contact a residential roofing service in your area to learn more.